You’ve just landed in Tokyo. You check in at your hotel and go out to eat.
You see a nice restaurant, get a Japanese menu.
Usually you get lost in this part, but now you have
You open KanjiCam’s camera translation and Japanese camera dictionary and pick the dish that is mostly suited to your taste.
Your dinner was delicious and you are happy that you have a great app to translate Japanese words meaning, Japanese phrase and Japanese sentences. You know that you will have great time in Japan.
KanjiCam provides a perfect photo camera translation and dictionary service for those who wants to learn Japanese language by taking picture, direct dictionary and from the pictures you have. It’s the fastest and most comprehensive ocr picture Japanese terms camera translation & one of the best Japanese dictionary apps!
The great thing about KanjiCam learn Japanese easily app, is that it not only provides a translation but once you click the sentence it leads to a Japanese dictionary of each Japanese words for you to study further more on the language itself. Understand and learn Japanese words meaning to understand the context in times of need. See why we are one of the fastest and easiest to use Japanese camera dictionary apps!
It's free to use Kanji Cam
1. When you want to delete ads and add manual crops than it's 2.5 USD a month
2. After the period it is automatically charged per month week chosen amount is automatically charged
4. if you only wish to use it for a monthyou can always cancel within a week and we won't charge anything
1. Kanji is best recognized under one sentence(less than 30 words)
2. Clear images are better recognized
3. We will update the Chinese terms & words that could not be recognized next time we update :)
4. One word is not recognized well at the moment so we recommend putting more than a word for better recognizance.
5. Printed words are better recognized than hand written words
Now go learn Japanese, translate Japanese & simply have a powerful camera translation tool beside you.
👉 Download KanjiCam: Japanese Camera Dictionary Translation Word now for free!